
Current Teaching Activities

Photogrammetry II (Lecture, BSc GuG, winter)

Lecturer: Prof. C. Stachniss
Tutors: L. Wiesmann

2021/22 course website with video recordings
2021/22 Youtube playlist
All 2020 exercises (previous year), the current exercises are available on eCampus

Mobile Sensing and Robotics I (Lecture, MSc GE, winter) / Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (MSc GuG)

Lecturers: Prof. C. Stachniss
Tutors: M. Sodano / R. Marcuzzi

2021/22 course website with video recordings
All 2020 exercises

Mobile Sensing and Robotics II (Lecture, MSc GE, summer)

Lecturers: Prof. C. Stachniss
Tutors: E. Marks, G. Roggiolani

2021 course website with video recordings
Youtube playlist
All 2020 exercises (current exercises via eCampus).

Techniques for Self-Driving Cars (Lecture, Coding, & Seminar; MSc GuG & GE, winter)

Lecturers: Dr. J. Behley, B. Mersch, Prof. C. Stachniss

course website with videos
Youtube playlist

Modern C++ for Computer Vision (Lecture & Coding, MSc GuG & GE, summer)

Lecturers: T. Guadagnino,  Prof. C. Stachniss, I. Vizzo
Tutor: I. Vizzo, T. Guadagnino

2020 course website with video recordings

Machine Learning for Robotics and Computer Vision (Lecture, MSc GE/GuG, summer)

Lecturers: Dr. J. Behley
Tutors: L. Nunes

2021 course website with video recordings
Youtube playlist

3D Coordinate Systems (Lecture, MSc GE, winter)

Lecturers: Profs. Stachniss, Kuhlmann, Kusche, Schindelegger, Haunert
Tutors: Federico Magistri and others

2021 course website with video recordings
Youtube playlist

Master Project (Project, MSc GuG & GE, summer & winter)

Lecturers: Prof. C. Stachniss, Prof. H. Kuhlmann, Prof. C. McCool

Other Online Lectures as Preparation Material

Python Introduction Playlist (external videos)

This Video Playlist is intended as a preparation for students before the taking one the our course to learn basic Python skills needed to solve the homework assignments. The videos have not been recorded by our team, they are part of other online courses.

Online Course: Mobile Robotics

This course consists of lectures taught within the MSR1/2, Photogrammetry II, and 3D Coordinate Systems courses arranged as a self-contained course consisting of a Basics Block and a Mobile Robotics Block. It is intended for students, who have not studied at the University of Bonn but are interested in learning the essentials of robotics and photogrammetry.

Visit the: course website

Online Course: Photogrammetric Computer Vision

This course consists of lectures taught within the Photogrammetry I/II, and 3D Coordinate Systems courses arranged as a self-contained course consisting of a Basics Block and a Photogrammetric Computer Vision Block. It is intended for students, who have not studied at the University of Bonn but are interested in learning the essentials of robotics and photogrammetry.

Visit the: course website

Machine Learning for Robotics and Computer Vision (Lecture, MSc GE/GuG, summer)

Lecturers: Dr. J. Behley
Tutors: L. Nunes

2021 course website with video recordings
Youtube playlist

Modern C++ for Computer Vision – Video Lectures and Tutorials

This is the Modern C++ course taught in 2020 at our lab plus useful tutorial videos that should support learning C++.

course website with video recordings

Cinderella Animations

This collection of interactive Cinderella Animations addresses basic and advanced topics of geometry, statistics, and estimation. They may serve for supporting lectures or just exploring the individual topics. They are partially linked to the Collected Notes, where more material on these topics may be found.

Previously Recorded Lectures


Photogrammetry I & II (2015/16 – 2019)

For the Photogrammetry I & II course, we provide video recordings through Youtube as well as the slides including Powerpoint source files (pptx with TexPoint).

Please visit the course page for more details.

Video recordings are available through YouTube: 2015/16 Playlist | 2020 video recordings


Robot Mapping

This course addresses the simultaneous localization and mapping or SLAM problem in robotics. This course has been designed and taught by Cyrill Stachniss in Freiburg but the video recordings and slides are available through the course page.

Video recordings are available through YouTube: 2013 Playlist

Modern C++ for Computer Vision (2018)

This course provides a short introduction to C++ with links some to image processing with OpenCV. The lectures are given by Igor Bogoslavskyi (2018) and Ignazio Vizzo (since 2019). Furthermore, this course is accompanied with a coding project on visual place recognition.

2018 corse website, video recordings are available through YouTube: 2018 playlist |
2020 corse website and video recordings